from dark brown to blonde in just one day!




So I finally decided to dye my hair blonde and I’m really happy with this result. I had very dark brown hair and I thought, it’s impossible to change it to blonde in just one day, but my hairdresser is a magician.

Firstly she bleached ends of my hair, then she bleached them again, but this time all of them. Then I had yellow hair and I was terrified. She told me that it’s normal and it’s just a part of process. She made some moisturizing things to my hair and when she was done with this, she dyed my hair with made by her mix of colours. After all of colouring, moisturizing and having yellow hair stuff, I had my split ends cut. I spend almost five hours sitting there, but now I think, blonde is better for me than dark brown 馃檪


hello spring !



It’s finally warm and sunny outside so we can wear ripped jeans and high heels! Ok, not so high 馃檪 It’s something new for me, because I’m always wearing black from the bottom to the top, but I finally decided to add some colours to my wardrobe and surprisingly I liked it. I hope weather like this will stay until summer haha.

coat Mango/ jeans River Island/ top River Island/ Shoes Step by Step


W ko艅cu przysz艂a wiosna! Chocia偶 zimy jeszcze nie by艂o. Za oknem s艂o艅ce i ciepe艂ko, wi臋c mo偶na wyci膮ga膰 z szaf dziurawe spodnie i buty na obcasach! Dla mnie to nowo艣膰. Zazwyczaj od g贸ry do do艂u ubieram si臋 na czarno, ale postanowi艂am w ko艅cu doda膰 kolory do swojej szafy, a nawet mi si臋 spodoba艂o:).

p艂aszcz Mango/ spodnie River Island/ bluzka River Island/ buty Step by Step


my skin care


When it comes to skin care I’m this “i’ll do it later” type of person, so thank God for not having acne on my face. I have dry skin, mainly my forehead and nose, and聽a lot of thread veins on my eyelids so I have to use moisturizing and soothing cosmetics. I can recommend you cosmetics from To艂pa. It’s a polish brand with beauty products for every age and skin type.聽Their cosmetics are produced from natural ingredients聽e.g. soy protein,聽licorice, shea butter and聽extracts of flowers.

Personally I use a lot of their stuff, but my favourites are :

  • Moisturizing Soothing Cream from Green line made of聽cotton seed extract,聽iris root extract and聽glycerine.
  • Gel Cleanser with their most important ingridient聽peat from physio line
  • Cleansing milk with vitamins A&E from planet of nature line


Je偶eli chodzi o piel臋gnacj臋 twarzy, nale偶臋 to tego “zrobi臋 to potem” typu ludzi, wi臋c dzi臋ki Ci Bo偶e za brak pryszczy na twarzy. Mam such膮 sk贸r臋, g艂贸wnie na czole i nosie, a tak偶e powieki z bardzo widocznymi naczynkami, wi臋c powinnam聽u偶ywa膰 nawil偶aj膮co-艂agodz膮cych kosmetyk贸w. Z czystym sumieniem mog臋 poleci膰 kosmetyki To艂py, polskiej marki, w ofercie, kt贸rej znajdziemy kosmetyki dostosowane do ka偶dego wieku i typu sk贸ry. Produkowane s膮 z naturalnych sk艂adnik贸w takich jak : proteiny sojowe, mas艂o shea czy ekstrakty kwiatowe. Osobi艣cie u偶ywa艂am i nadal u偶ywam du偶ej ilo艣ci ich produkt贸w, lecz z ulubionych mog臋 wymieni膰 :

  • Krem nawil偶aj膮co 艂agodz膮cy z linii Green w sk艂ad, kt贸rego wchodz膮 ekstrakty z nasion bawe艂ny, korzenia irysa oraz gliceryna
  • 呕el oczyszczaj膮cy do twarzy z torfem, kt贸ry jest flagowym sk艂adnikiem kosmetyk贸w To艂pa z linii Physio
  • Mleczko do demakija偶u z witaminami A i E z linii Planete of Nature


What’s in my bag?


I always carry a lot of unnecessary stuff in my bag, paper bills, leaflets and empty water bootles,but today I want to show you without what I can’t leave my home.

First of all my bag is from H&M Sport collection. It’s perfect for me. I can put in everything I need for school, gym, yoga, my lunchbox which is not that small and there still will be a lot of free space.

In terms of make up products I don’t carry a lot of them with me. Not including my lip balm obsession, I always have my L’oreal Lumi Magique Concealer and Astor Skin Match powder which is in my top 10 beauty products I’ve ever used. I also have here a powder brush, Tangle Teezer, hand cream and nail polish which I currently have on my nails. There’s also a perfume which I currently use and it is Zara Women Oriental.

And in terms of boring stuff in bag, there is my phone, wallet, calcium pills, calculator, a little mirror and my electronic cigarette.


Zawsze mam w swojej torbie du偶o niepotrzebnych rzeczy, paragony, ulotki i puste butelki po wodzie to pierwsza tr贸jka moich torebkowych 艣mieci. Dzisiaj chcia艂abym pokaza膰 wam bez czebo nie ruszam si臋 z domu.

Pierwsz膮 spraw膮 jest sama torebka. Moja to nowa kolekcja Sport z H&M, wed艂ug mnie idealna. Mie艣ci wszystko, od ksi膮偶ek,przez stroje na si艂owni臋, po lunchbox, kt贸ry wcale do najmniejszych nie nale偶y i nadal jest w niej mn贸stwo wolnego miejsca.

Zaczyanj膮c od kosmetyk贸w, kt贸rych nie nosz臋 ze sob膮 wiele.聽Nie licz膮c mojej obsesji na punkcie balsam贸w do ust, w mojej torbie zawsze znajdzie si臋 korektor聽L’oreal Lumi Magique oraz puder Astor Skin Match, kt贸ry jest w moim kosmetycznym top 10. Znajdzie si臋 tam tak偶e p臋dzel do pudru, Tangle Teezer, krem do r膮k i lakier do paznokci, kt贸ry aktualnie u偶ywam. S膮 te偶 perfumy, aktualnie to Zara Woman Oriental.

A z nudnych rzeczy, kt贸re s膮 w torbie mog臋 wymieni膰 telefon, portfel, ma艂臋 lusterko, wapno w tabletkach i e-papierosa.
